PAGES is a Corporate Social Responsibility event that has done by a batch of students of 5 namely Nurul Dina, Jirathcha Tantrakul (PP), Tina Saelee, Chandreena, and Mak Jason.
Objective: To contribute to the society and region through continuous educational support
Firstly, the team organized a one-month long pre-event located at Foyer UOW Malaysia KDU Penang University. The pre-event was called book drive, which aimed to encourage and call upon the public who were aware of this pre-event to donate their books to the team, and the books were categorized and donated again to the community needed.
Other than that, people can also help needy students in another way which was through buying a set of external exercise books for the chosen students. The students were chosen properly by the team members as they have contacted some schools which were willing to accept the help and agree with our event. Then, a list of students was provided by the chosen schools. The chosen students were students who are taking UPSR, and the external exercise books were also chosen by the team and they were the latest version.
Towards the end of the pre-event, the team has accumulated a total amount of funds that able to provide exercise books for 50 students. Then, the exercise books were purchased and sent to the schools accordingly to their availability. Through creating this event, the team hope that students are more prepared for the exam.
Let's take a look at the preparation process did by the team members and friends, and also what happened on the first day of the event.
The video shows the process of students decorating the platform located at Foyer UOW Malaysia KDU Penang University, and also book donors' choosing the name of the student that they wished to help.