Group 2
Art & Craft Workshop
Art does not have to be pretty. It has to be meaningful.
– Duane Hanson
It has been ingrained in the hearts’ of people that art should be beautiful with intricate patterns and colours, only those with talents could be called artists. Creativity is subjective as well as beauty. Our group believed that art does not have to be pretty but meaningful. This belief is incorporated in our social entrepreneurship in effort to enrich the lives the handicapped community.
They say art is an expression of the soul and helping others is its redemption. Our group wish to achieve both by selling handmade notebooks and all proceeds would go towards enriching the lives of children at Penang Cheshire Home.

Our Products

Sales Booth in KDU University College Foyer

Sales Booth in Occupy Beach Street
On the 14th December 2017, we had visited Cheshire Home and carried out a small art and craft session with the folks. We have taught 10 of them on the ways of making a notebook.

Facilitators teaching participants
More picture from the workshop:

We had managed to generate a total of RM 1, 370.00 from the sales and the proceeds had contributed in the purchase of 3 wheelchairs and sewing materials for the people of Cheshire Home to use and make. It was a delight teaching them and they had done an excellent job.