A little hope
A little hope
A little hope

A Little Hope has been committed to at least help to fill in this vacuum caused by the sudden economic slump as a result of the pandemic and will is strived to help as many we could through our crowdfunding.
To motivate the public to donate by highlighting the plight of the underprivileged and the need to assist them through our crowd funding to gather funds to purchase essential items for donation by 30th November 2020.
To increase social awareness considerably among the public towards the continuous needs of the underprivileged to receive constant social care and support through our CSR program by 30th November 2020.

The team aimed to gather a total amount of RM1000 of the donation from the public and the target was achieved. There were 7 organizations that have been chosen and the essential items that the team bought using the funds have been distributed accordingly. By doing so, the team hopes that their deed with at least reduce a tiny little burden on the organizations during this pandemic hardship.